
It seems bit gray, but the weather is bad here...


Shape of the things to come.


I found my colors back, by a typical geneva's sunny-windy winter day. Sight over my back yard, rue des maraîchers.


Watch below for further informations


Five centuries that this mosque stand with his minaret in the center of Sofia, next to a synagogue and among plenty of churches. I just wonder for what reason should we vote a law to forbid minaret's building? that's exactly what swiss people are goin'to decide next week-end and I feel it ridiculous and pitiful.


Tentative to portray the beautiful bright visage of the writer.

Fall of the Berlin wall. The mausoleum built in the center of Sofia to shelter the body of Giorgy Dimitrov (president of the bulgarian communist party in the 40's) was changed to public toilets in 1992.

Sofia, 1994

A pair of larches (mélèzes) posing naked.

St.-Luc 1998


View on the pass (2479m) and the hospice that has never been closed since year 1050. Where the pilgrim's route from Canterbury to Roma goes by.

The Chanoines Réguliers in the 50's. This religious order is leading the place.


Hooligan found again in an old sketchbook.

And his colleague.


Another sight of the Dauberhorn, drawn last week-end, the very first of august, national day here.


Six books are born! Just prototypes, for sure, and in need to be improved. I'll exhibit some of the content in the biennale du carnet de voyage in Clermont-Ferrand in november 09, then in the mythical Club 44 of la Chaux-de-fonds in 2010. More informations later.


I'm sweating on a hudge new stuff. Comic book, graphic novel. More information in 2-3 monthes

A nice poster design made for botanical garden exhibition of 2002, unfortunately refused.


In less than two weeks, I'll be in delhi again.
Some kind of rejoicing mixed with apprehension.


Durban II (conference against racism) in Geneva expressed the supposed "clash of civilisation", while the 23rd International Book Fair, inviting Turkey as a special guest, reminded of the indestructible links between orient and occident.
Drawing made for the newspaper "le courrier".


Despite the decrete of dictator-president Ben Ali's to ban the use of chicha (waterpipe) on the public way, some folks were keepin'on smoking on the pavement. Sousse, 1995


Character created in 2001, for the Sapinrock festival. Few days ago I got a mail from a guy asking me to exhibit the festivals poster in the museum of Saxon, township which organized the event. A nice surprise!


It's all in the title!
But I can add that the scene happened in a kind of haunted manor, a house out of another time, actually a heritage hotel in Matheran, Maharastra


friends of drawing, mountain and gastronomy,
If by chance you go by Albinen, have a look at my mini exhibition in Godswärgjistubu. For those that cannot come so far, just ask by mail and I'll send the catalogue back.

horaires d'ouverture:
jeudi, vendredi, samedi, lundi 17h - 23h
dimanche 11h - 23h
L'Auberge se situe à 50m de l'église