the show was really scratchy, but as this krush only showed his cap, I kept reather this after-instant. An unknow girl, Mass of Samaël on stage, and balthazar (lil'mofo) cleaning the place with a shovel and a bad mood
J'ai toujours été charmé par les pins, toutes espèces confondues. Ce pin noir d'autriche, dans une cour à l'arrière de la Schüsspromenade, en plein centre de Bienne, est particulièrement majestueux. J'écris ces deux derniers messages dans les languages régionaux, exceptionnellement, en hommage au bilinguisme de cette ville étonnante.
Heute Morgen musste ich in die Schule gehen. Trotzdem habe ich Biel erreicht, hatte absolut kein Lust für lernen in eine Klassraum. Ich dachte an Robert Walser, es war ein Tag für bummeln... und zeichnen.
Sir Edmund Hillary with his faithful sherpa and friend Tensing at camp in Thyangboche, Nepal. Those two fellows were the very first men to reach the top of Everest, in 1953. Hillary died at the age of 89, last january. Called "The Quintessential Kiwi" (as new-zealander), he was humble,honnest and hard-worker. A great man.
We were between Chennai and Salem. Everybody was reading and we missed our stop. funny, "riders in the train" sounds like "riders on the storm" of jim morrisson, but it was actually a burning day without an ounce of wind.