
Northern sea, Helsinki, we went to Suomelinna with Heli in a nice august's afternoon. it was in 2004.

Pencils & computer


Frankfurt Airport. The other IBM, illustration made with my macintosh. Pencil and photoshop.


On a roof of a Pondicherry home. She had a snake in her second right hand, but I didn't draw it.

nov 2006


revue de l'Inde

I wrote an article and some of my illustrations have been published in "La Revue de l'Inde" of this trimester. For those who wants to know more about India today. You just need to read french.


photo passeport

A caribbean family waiting for their portrait in the fuji media lab of rue du rhône in geneva

watercolor, rapidograph - 11.2006


Seba in Lubljana

Salut gars, tu te souviens de ce séjour en slovénie? Bon ben, rappelle-moi à l'occasion histoire de se boire un Unicum ou un Jägermeister

pencil, july 1999